Neelam munir porn photos

Pakistan’s famous actress Neelam Munir is seen playing bold roles in dramas and films but in real life, she does not believe in any kind of love and dating

Neelam Munir has stepped into the bollywood film industry and signed a new Indian Punjabi comedian movie. The name of the movie will be kept secret for now.

Neelam Munir started her film career in 2017 with ‘Chupan Chupai’ and so far she has shown the essence of acting in ‘Rong No. 2’ and ‘Kaaf Kangana’.

Neelam Munir also performs an item song in ‘Kaaf Kangna’.

Neelam Munir is a prominent and versatile Pakistani actress who is considered one of the top leading actresses of Pakistan. Neelam Munir revived the immense love and recognition of the audience with her good looks and charming personality. Neelam has been a part of many blockbuster drama serials and films till now.

Recently Neelam Munir was seen vacationing in Swat. Neelam took to her Instagram account to share some breathtaking pictures from her trip to Swat. Looks like the actress is spending some quality time exploring the beauty of Pakistan. The latest mesmerizing click shared by Neelam has surely left her fans mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Let’s take a look at the pictures shared by Neelam!

Social media is buzzing over Rabi Pirzada’s leaked videos and photos controversy. Her photos and videos were leaked right after when she took a jib at recent Neelam Muneer’s item number song in the film Kaaf Kangana.

The commentators asserted that the sharing of intimate sexual photos without consent subjects a person to emotional distress, trauma and public humiliation. A vile campaign against Rabi Pirzada kicked off shortly after she censured DG ISPR Asif Ghafoor for supporting actress Neelam Munir for performing in an item number in ISPR-sponsored movie ‘Kaaf Kangana’. Earlier, Pirzada had posted a photo in a suicide vest threatening Prime Minister Narendra Modi over atrocities in Kashmir.

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